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When you wear your true colours...

Colour analysis absolute colour system mytallstylist

Young, confident, and colour-savvy. When 18-year-old Ava came to see me for a colour analysis, I was amazed at how much she already knew about colour, and about what does and does not suit her. As a Uni student and a part-time swimming teacher, she was ready to embrace her natural beauty by wearing the colours that suit her complexion and her lifestyle.


Growing out her light blonde highlights to reveal her natural dark ash blonde colour will not only make her hair easier to maintain (especially given the amount of time she spends in the pool), but will keep it from going bright and brassy, which is totally at odds with her soft and cool complexion.


The deeper and cooler hair colour brings out her beautiful blue eyes and enhances her lovely skin and naturally pink lips. No makeup necessary!


Are you ready to embrace your best colours?


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